News - Dongguan Kaige Precision Machinery Co., LTD

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Perfect ending |GKG Precision Machine debut Productronica India 2023
Release time:2023-09-19

Productronica India 2023 was held from September 13-15 at the International Exhibition Centre in Bangalore, India. GKG Precision Machine joint overseas market strategic partner JTU team appeared at the exhibition.

At Productronica India, after two years, GKG Precision Machine once again brought a new technological feast to exhibition visitors around the world with its advanced equipment strength and extraordinary features that complement the product process.


As one of the main manufacturing centers of smart phones in the world, India has high requirements for the accuracy, efficiency and stability of automation equipment in the production process, especially for solder paste printing, which is the source of greater influence on adverse factors.

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G-Titan, the high-performance automatic solder paste printing machine exhibited by GKG KAG Precision Machine, is widely used in many fields such as smart phones, motherboards, laptops, aerospace, automotive electronics and so on.

G-Titan has a strong customer base, to meet the minimum 01005, 03015 and above with small spacing, multiple solder joints, high requirements and other characteristics of printing needs. More high-speed mode, flexible wiring, intelligent options in one, is the "star product" of the exhibition site.

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Stepping out of the country is the first step to embrace the international market. GKG is China's GKG, but also the world's GKG. In the future, KAG precision Machinery will continue to improve the product matrix to meet the application needs of customers in different regional markets. Continue to empower with science and technology, provide technical support for innovative products, give diversified product development ideas, and promote the industry to achieve high-quality development.